Glad to see you’re all so easily distracted from whatever you should be doing and that you’re playing along. Excellent responses, all.
Congratulations to Laura for being the first to respond with “Cambodia.” Been there, done that, incorrect answer, but she does get bonus for being first to buzz in. Bonus points, too, to Diane for guessing a destination as well as a purpose. Nina was the first to respond by email. A San Francisco native and major world traveler herself, Nina emailed all the way from quaint little Truckee (one would have expected Mongolia or Uzbekistan) to participate. However, she did not venture a guess so no prizes for her at this time.
So that you’re all playing with the same information, there were two other guesses on the first day of this competition that came via Facebook. Jonny — who did a lot of major hard traveling long before the internet, ATMs and even wheeled luggage; has known Harriet for more than 35 years, lived and traveled with her — guessed Bhutan. Keith, who has done the same guessed Missouri.
Thanks for playing!
And now for today’s clue…
Clue #2 (Budget)
Except for a week in Paris, this is one of our very shortest, most noteworthy trips. Not including airfare, on a per day basis, this will be one of our most expensive trips. There are $25 rooms to be had but we won’t be staying in any of them. We’re springing for something with a few stars for at least a couple of nights.
To continue my theme of island guesses, I’ll shift to a more eastern sea. Santorini.
Hmm, I wasn’t thinking Europe at first but with your mention of Paris . . . a clue perhaps? Especially when you mentioned expense (will you be spending Euros??) Aren’t many European landlocked countries that are warm, but I know there are a couple in Southern Europe so my guess is . . . Macedonia.
Okay, I got it. You are going to the surprisingly warm climate of Switzerland, where you will be enjoying a cross section of French, German and Italian cuisines. And you will definitely fit in a chocolate tour. I’m thinking Berne,so you can visit Einsteinhaus.
Game over.
Since my Bolivia and Uganda guesses were wrong, I’ll go with the Czech Republic.
Ben and I are guessing Mali! Perhaps Bamako or Timbuktu
OK, its hot, no beach, and you are staying at the nice hotel. C’mon, I need more info. Knowing how much you like the food perks on the trips, I’m taking a wild stab at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The river running through it is the Nile.
Okay, I’m going with the Kalahari Desert, hanging with the bushmen. I have vague memories of seeing it infiltrated by a coke bottle in The Gods Must Be Crazy with Alan and/or Harriet a couple of decades back. Who knows what will happen when Alan introduces Diet Coke to them!
Being the good people that you are, always helping others, I suspect you are heading to Memphis, TN. to help the flood victims, sing the blues and eat good barbecue.
Aspen or Vail