We now have our tickets for Malaysia!
We are flying United (oh well), leaving from Santa Barbara on Monday October 30 at 8:20 am. We go through San Francisco (70 minutes) to Tokyo’s Narita Airport (12 hours) where we switch planes for the final leg to Singapore (7.5 hours). We arrive at 11:59 pm on Tuesday, October 31 after crossing the International Date Line. We may spend a day or two in Singapore before we take a local flight to the island of Borneo and into Malaysia proper.
The map shows the route, although the leg between San Francisco and Japan will probably take us further north, closer to the pole. The polar route is actually a faster route, and in the past, with shorter haul airplanes, we would stop in Alaska on our way to Japan. Not stopping is a lot better.
Our return flight from Singapore starts at 7:30 am, Tuesday November 21. We take the same route back, going to Tokyo, then San Francisco, and finally arriving in Santa Barbara at 12:41 pm on the same Tuesday. Again, we pass over the International Date Line so the trip takes quite a bit longer than 5 hours.
We get back in plenty of time to host our Thanksgiving Dinner! Make plans to attend.
So, the trip is now real. We’ve bought our tickets (and Harriet got a real deal on them). Hey, four weeks of lead time is really good for us!