I’ve Reached My Goal

FitnessAfter several years of losing weight the old fashion way (diet and exercise), this month I reached my goal. I’m somewhere between embarrassed and proud of this “after” picture taken for my testimonial. I don’t think that my self image is still stuck on “jolly fat guy”, but this picture of “fit Alan” still looks like a photoshop project to me.

Yeah, yeah – I worked hard, changed my lifestyle, altered my diet, and work out regularly (under the supervision of Mikki Reilly, the best trainer ever) (and Kalia, my trainer can take your trainer), but I was still stunned when Mikki showed me the results of my body fat measurement – 10.2%. Whoa! That puts me in the “athletic” range. Quite a change from the “morbidly obese” category I started at 6 years ago.

Anyway, that’s my infrequent update on my person fitness transform-ation. You can read my testimonial on Mikki’s website.

7 thoughts on “I’ve Reached My Goal

  1. Congratulations Alan!! Whoo hooo!!!
    (Oh, and I can still take you in arm wrestling after YOU drink several mojitos than I do!)
    :) Kalia

  2. Dear Alan,

    We saw the photo you sent with your new body and we can just barely see the hole where you put your head through. I did one of these with me as superman.

    Great work. You’ll be there for my 115 th birthday

  3. Wow – you look marvelous. My gosh Alan. I haven’t seen you in 5 years or so, and you should be very very proud of yourself. I’m on that trail too but cannot afford a trainer. Any suggestions, thoughts, books, incantations, poems, meditations, or motivational speeches you can impart?

    Congratulations! No wonder you love that muscle car you left in, on your way to Guatamala – you really fit the part now.

  4. Congratulat ions!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can we send this to hunk of the month calendar co. ?? I need to post this so I can get back into my diet. Talk to you soon. Love, Mom

  5. Wow, thanks everyone. I realize I was trying to bury this post behind the fires and the Guatemala trip (and my embarassment) , but I really do appreciate everyone´s kind words. I don´t have any big secrets or incantations, just a lot of changes achieved gradually with some very good guidance. I started with Weight Watchers and I can recommend them, but I didn´t really get going until I added some intense exercise. Mikki´s site has a lot of good info – worth checking out evn if you aren´t able to use a trainer.
    Again, thanks to you all,

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