Internet Tools and Blogging

You may have recently noticed a couple of blog entries that looked a bit different then usual. I was testing a web tool called Clipper, which allows me to clip parts of another website or blog post that I find interesting and then post those clips, here. The few times I had tested it, I got an error message stating that the post had failed, but I never got around to following up on the tests. Well, last night I was asked about an entry that I thought had not been made, but it was in fact sitting in the blog!

“Cool,” I thought (at first).

So I tried another entry. That produced the same error message, but something was still posted. This process is a pain, but there was enough benefit that I thought I could work with it. Well, not so much. The entries weren’t formatted right, and when I tried to change them, the system crashed, and blah, blah, blah (insert technobabble). So, I deleted those entries and will shortly repost them in my usual (more time intensive) format.

I generally track over 150 blogs (not as intense as it sounds, and real blog-hounds track quite a bit more). A lot of the postings catch my interest, and I’d like to note those that fit my eclectic interests and dilettante lifestyle. I’ll still be making manual posts about those items and providing links to the information source. Those kinds posts serve as an annotated reference/bookmark tool which I can organize by tags.

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