Santa Barbara Sunset, October 12, 2006

SB SunsetOn Thursday, the weather changed and a storm was predicted to move in. Well, that evening we had a spectacular sunset. I know that I don’t spend enough time appreciating the Santa Barbara views, but that evening I found myself with a large crowd at Shoreline Park, gawking and trying in some small way to capture it all.

SB Sunset 2 I’m no photographer, but I really didn’t need to be. The colors and textures just laid themselves out, begging to be recorded.

The irony is, we barely got a spritz from this storm. Just North of us, they received a good soaking, and I believe the storm hit south of us, also. For some reason it jumped by the Santa Barbara City area, lingering just long and low enough to give us some nice views.

And I just happened to have a camera in the car.

2 thoughts on “Santa Barbara Sunset, October 12, 2006

  1. These are some great photos, they really capture the Santa Barbara sunset and how gorgeous it really is! I was just in Santa Barbara and I had a great time kayaking around the harbor and hiking the mountains. You should get out and get some good shots from up in the mountains. Truly some of the best views around! We stayed at the Sandman Inn ( So affordable and very quaint!

  2. These photos honestly remind me of the long summer days when I went to UCSB that tended to last into November sometimes. It wasn’t real life living in Santa Barbara and years after I have graduated, I miss it so much so I am so excited that I came across this! I’m visiting soon enough and I couldn’t be more thrilled to catch a sunset soon enough! Staying at the Sandman Inn ( Close and cheap!

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