Category Archives: general

Hello World!

Mona AlanI love the title of this post because it is such a programmer’s cliche. For those who’ve never taken a programming class, Hello World is the time worn test phrase used when learning or demonstrating a new language.

I’ve got several vague plans for this blog. First, this is the place where I plan on noting any items of interest that don’t fit in my other blogs: projects, personal observations, messages to family and friends, and anything else I can’t anticipate. I may even discover some topics that deserve their own, separate websites.

This is the blog of my wacky life, and may only end up being interesting to me. Maybe my family. Probably not Harriet.

Oh yeah, my picture here and on the About page came from the French Festical in Santa Barbara. This year I attended that festival with my youngest niece, Monica. I’ll add some other photos and notes from that visit in another post.